
Command Comparison

This table gives you the low-down on all the commands of Kiai and their properties.

CommandDescriptionRequired PermissionsGuild OnlyPremium
aboutGet information about the bot.-
applicationAuthorize and deauthorize external applications in your server.Manage Guild
denylistManage the XP user or role denylist.Manage Guild
custom-formulaManage the custom formula for calculating XP.Manage Guild
exportExport data from Kiai.Manage Guild
importImport XP data from another bot.Manage Guild
leaderboardView the leaderboard for the server.-
leaderboard-rolesManage the roles members get when reaching a certain position on the leaderboard.Manage Guild
level-upManage the settings for level ups in this server.Manage Guild
multipliersManage multipliersManage Guild
pingCheck the bot's latency.-
premiumManage your premium.-
rankCheck the rank of a user.-
resetResets all settings and levels for this server.Guild Owner
rewardsManage the rewards on this server.Manage Guild
settingsManage the settings for the bot.Manage Guild
xpManage the XP of a user or users in a role.Manage Guild