Kiai has a set of placeholders that can be used in several places, such as Level Up messages, XP streak messages, and XP drops.
Not all of these are supported in every location, but most of them are, and if they aren't supported, they will simply show the placeholder itself in the message.
List of Placeholders:
Placeholder Name | Example | Notes |
{} | 744282929684938844 | |
{} | Buape Studios | |
{guild.icon} | | |
{guild.owner} | <@439223656200273932> | This is rendered as a mention on Discord |
{} | 439223656200273932 | |
{user} | <@439223656200273932> | This is rendered as a mention on Discord |
{user.mention} | <@439223656200273932> | This is rendered as a mention on Discord |
{} | 439223656200273932 | |
{user.tag} | 4shadowed | |
{user.displayName} | Shadow | |
{user.discriminator} | 0 | Discriminators are deprecated in Discord, but added here just in case. |
{user.color} | #FF8D00 | |
{user.avatar} | (opens in a new tab) | |
{xp} | 100 | |
{level} | 10 | |
{level.old} | 9 | |
{} | 10 | |
{rewards.roles.added} | <@&439223656200273932> | This is rendered as a mention on Discord |
{rewards.roles.removed} | <@&439223656200273932> | This is rendered as a mention on Discord |
{rewards.roles.added.ids} | 439223656200273932,744282929684938844 | |
{rewards.roles.removed.ids} | 439223656200273932,744282929684938844 | |
{} | 100 | |
{} | 100 | |
{} | 100 | |
{} | 100 |