
Settings Command




The /settings command is available to users with the Manage Server permission.


The /settings command allows you to change the settings of the bot for your server or for yourself.

Detailed setting explanations

Below, you can find additional descriptions and clarification for settings that may not be clear to understand.

Stack Role Rewards Option

In the settings command, under "Rewards and Denylist," you can stack role rewards.

When this setting is enabled, if a user levels up, they will retain their previous role rewards. Otherwise, their last role reward role will be removed.


If @john is Level 9 and already has a reward role for Level 5, with the setting enabled, the Level 5 role reward will be preserved in his role list after reaching the Level 10 reward role. If the setting is disabled, the Level 5 reward role will be removed.

XP Decay Interval

This setting determines how frequently Kiai should execute XP decay in your server. When XP decay runs, the specified amount of XP set in the "XP Decay Amount" setting (located in the "XP Decay" category) will be deducted.


If you've configured your XP decay interval to 3 days and set the XP decay amount to 100, then 100 XP will be deducted from all members every 3 days.

XP Drops Per Day and Minimum Time Between Drops

This setting controls how many times a day XP drops happen in your server. Kiai will try to send this number of XP drops every day if it is possible.

Since Kiai checks whether an XP drop should be sent every time a message is sent in your server. If the minimum amount of time you have set under "Minimum time between drops" has passed since the last XP drop, Kiai will randomly determine whether to send an XP drop.

Kiai will not send an XP drop regardless of your settings if no messages have been sent since the last XP drop.


If you've configured Kiai to send three drops per day, and set the minimum time between drops to 1 hour, Kiai will send three XP drops every day, with at least 1 hour between each drop.

XP Drop Expiration Time

This setting determines how long users will have to claim an XP drop before it expires. If no one claims an XP drop within the specified time, or tries to claim it after it has expired, they will not be able to claim its XP.


If you've set the XP drop expiration time to 1 hour, users will have 1 hour to claim an XP drop after it has been sent. If they try to claim it after 1 hour has passed, they will not be able to claim the XP.

XP Drop Message

This setting allows you to customize the message sent when an XP drop is sent in your server. You can use the following placeholders in your message:

  • {amount}—The amount of XP that is being dropped.
  • {expire}—A timestamp of when the XP drop will expire.


If you've set the XP drop message to

You've received {amount} XP! It expires {expire}!

the message sent when an XP drop is sent will look something like the following before the XP drop has expired:

"You've received 100 XP! It expires in 1 hour!"

and like the following after the XP drop has expired:

"You've received 100 XP! It expires 1 hour ago!"