Level Up

Level Up Command


/levelup edit


This command is available to users with the Manage Server permission.


The /levelup command allows you to edit the level up messages that are sent when a user levels up.

Running this command will open a popup modal that has fields for each element of the level up message.


These are the available placeholders for you to use in the level up messages:

{user}The user who leveled up@User#0001
{user.mention}A @mention of the user who leveled up@User#0001
{user.id}The user's Discord ID123456789012345678
{user.tag}The user's tagUser#0001
{user.username}The user's usernameUser
{user.discriminator}The user's discriminator0001
{guild.id}The server's ID123456789012345678
{guild.name}The server's nameMy Server
{guild.icon}The server's iconhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/123456789012345678/abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890.png
{level}The user's new level5